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- Ακαδημαϊκός Μουσικός Σύνδεσμος Θεσσαλονικέων
- Λα Φαμίλια
- Υψηλάντειος παραδοσιακή χορωδία αγίου νικολάου φερών
- χορωδία παλαιών προσκόπων και οδηγών Θεσσαλονίκης
- Adult Choir of Meliki
- Adults Choir of Malevizi Municipality
- Agia Skepi
- Agios Athanasios Choir
- Agiow ioannis o Chrisostomos
- Agrinio, ORFEUS choir
- Ai Adousai - Women Byzantine Choir
- Alexandrian Voices (Alexandrian Choirs)
- Ambelohori Female Choir
- Ambitus Choir Lycee Leonin Nea Smyrni
- Angels Voices - Youth Choir Holy Metropolis of Serres and Nigrita
- Anticho
- Aoidon Fones Youth Choir of Paralimni Municipality
- Arion
- Armonias Genesis
- Arolithos
- Association of Friends of Choral Music
- Axion Esti
- BelCantes
- Byzantine Choir of Corfu
- Byzantine Lectern Kallithea
- Canto Olympus - Municipality Children's Choir of Pydna Kolindros
- Canto Olympus - Municipality Choir of Pydna Kolindros
- Cantus Arte -Female Voice Ensemble of the Macedonian Center of Contemporary Art
- Children Choir of City Conservatory of Larissa
- Children Choir of Glyfada's Municipal School of Music
- Children Choir of Limassol Cyprus Litterary Society
- Children Choir of Municipal Conservatory- Petroupolis
- Children Choir of Music School D. Tsiaves- Elassona, Greece
- Children choir P.E. Heraklion
- Children's & Youngsters' Municipal Choir of Pilea-Chortiatis
- Children's Choir Dionysou
- Children's choir Evaggelistrias Pireaus
- Children's Choir F.S.F Aristotle DIMITRIOS LIOTSIS
- Children's Choir Kallitexnimata
- children's choir mousikoi xartaetoi
- Children's Choir Odeio Athina
- Children's Choir of Aristotle Concervatory Friend Club of Naousa Imathia
- Children's Choir of Edessa
- Children's Choir of Lydiko Odeio
- Children's Choir of St Lavrentions Church
- Children's Choir of Thessaloniki Transfiguration Church
- Children's traditional choir of Archive of Music and Laografic Tradition Chronis Aidonidis
- Childrens Choir of Polyphonic Choir of Patras
- Childrens' Choir SOL
- Choir Thamyris Thessaloniki
- Choir Agias Kyriakis Alexandroupoli
- Choir Aigialias
- Choir Artakinoi Melodoi
- Choir Cantores Solis of Corfu
- Choir Erkyna of Levadia
- Choir Estia
- Choir Filarmonikis Kopanou
- Choir Fivos Anogianakis
- Choir Kraniotes Larisa
- Choir Municipal Conservatory of Kalamaria
- Choir Music Paths
- Choir Namata of the Cultural Assotiation Alkyon of Pefkohori
- Choir of Aghios Dimitrios Church, Edessa, Greece
- Choir of Archilochos Cultural Association of Paros (CACAP)
- Choir of Athens Bar Association
- choir of church Kiryllos and Methodios Neas Politeias Evosmou Thessalonikis
- Choir of Davleia
- Choir of Emporiki Bank
- Choir of Ilioupolis Residents Association
- Choir of Kallitehnico Ergastiri Iteas
- Choir of Lefkimmi
- Choir of Lydiko Odeio
- Choir of Malakopi Cultural Club, Thessaloniki
- Choir of Mandoulides Schools
- Choir of Meliki Imathias
- Choir of Mesa Geitonia Municipality
- Choir of Minor Asian Union of Evosmos
- Choir of Music Educators Choremus
- Choir of Musical Fruit
- Choir of old aged people of the Municipality of Byron
- Choir of old ages people of Nigrita, Municipality of Visaltia
- Choir of old Music Kavalas
- Choir of Peta Agios Georgios
- Choir of Primary Education University of Ioannina
- Choir of the 2nd Secondary School of Thessaloniki
- Choir of the Academic Music Association of Thessalonians
- Choir of the Anastasis Church, Ampelokipi Thessaloniki
- Choir of the Municipality of Alimos
- Choir of Thebes
- Choir of Tripolis
- Choir of Xanthi's Cantors Association
- Choir orfeas tripolis
- Choir ORPHEUS of Tripolis
- Choir Philarmonia-Christophoros Ioannou
- Choir Souroti
- Choir Spata-Artemis
- Choir TEE/TKM
- choir tripolis
- Choir Vamvakofytoy
- Choral Group Iamvos
- Choral Society Armonia of Preveza
- Chorale Francophone de Thessalonique cHoralia
- Chorodia Kelaidismata Farou Tyflon tis Ellados
- Chorodia Krias Vrisis
- Chorodia Zakynthou I FANEROMENI
- chorPus Visual
- Chorus Euterpe / Coro Euterpe
- Contradition Ensemble
- Corfu Children's Choir
- Corfu Men's Choir
- Corfu Youth Choir
- Corinth's Mixed Choir Polymnia
- Coro Italiano di Salonicco InCanto
- Covertura Vocal Ensemble
- Cretan plucked and bow string ensemble
- Dimodokos Municipal Choir of Corfu
- Dimotiki chorodia N. Kallikrateias
- Diocese of Nea Krini and Kalamaria Children's Choir
- Diocese of Nea Krini and Kalamaria Female Choir
- Ekfrasi
- Eklipsis vocal ensemble
- Elassona Children Choir
- Elassona Mixed Choir
- Ellixos
- Emmeleia
- EPMA Choir
- Ergastiri Psaltikis (Chanting Lab)
- Ev- hymnos
- Evesto choir Larissa
- Evropoulon I.Kapodistrias' Corfu
- Evros, Feres' Choir
- Ex Parente
- Faiakon Odi
- Farsala mixed choir
- Fathers Association of Maronia
- Female Choir Ευ Choralis
- Female choir hxoxrwmata Lagadas, Chios
- Female Choir of Agios Stefanos
- Female Choir of Cultural center of Sykiada Chios
- Female Choir of Siatista
- Figou Throisma
- Filarmonia
- Filippos Glee Show Choir
- Filomila
- Filomila
- Friends of Tradition
- Galatsi Municipal choir
- Galilaia Children's Choir
- Geitonas School Choir
- Giannis Barbalios
- Giannis Blahogiannis
- Giannitsa Chorus of Traditional Music
- Graduate Choir of Pallini Music School
- Idyli choir - Samos
- Iho - Children's Choir and Vocal Ensemble
- Iliadis schools coir
- International Choir Allegri
- Iraklias Choir
- Kassandra Cultural Club Mixed Choir
- kastoriani symfonia
- Kastoriani Symfonia
- Kodály Conservatory Children's Choir (Greece)
- Kodály Conservatory Mixed Choir (Greece)
- Korais
- Korydallos Municipal Choir
- Koryfό
- La Familia
- Ladino Choir Thessaloniki
- Lakatamia municipality choir
- Les Vocalistes de Kalamari
- Libreto
- Libro Coro
- Ligeia Grevenon
- Liopetra
- MΕΟΘ (MEOTh) Choir, Chios
- Madyto's Children's Choir
- Marsya's Concervatory Choir
- Melifono
- Melissanthi (Alexandrian Choirs)
- Melodia Vocal Ensemble
- Melodiko Seryiani
- Melodoi
- Men's Choir of Greek Telecomunications Perfecture Corfu
- Michalis Machairas
- Mikrasiaton Pierias
- Miktí chorodía Anatolikís Aigiáleias
- Minor Asians' Choir of Livadia
- Mix choir P.E. Heralion
- Mixed Choir Nikos Astrinidis
- Mixed Choir North College Alumni Association
- Mixed Choir of Almiros Municipality
- Mixed Choir of Amfissa
- Mixed Choir of Argyroupolis
- Mixed Choir of Aristotle Concervatory Friend Club of Naousa Imathia
- Mixed Choir of Arta Cultural Club Makrygiannis
- Mixed Choir of Astros
- Mixed Choir of Bank of Greece Employees Union
- Mixed Choir of City Conservatory of Larissa
- Mixed Choir of Cultural Association of Tirnavos
- Mixed Choir of Cultural Center Nea Raidestos
- Mixed Choir of Cultural Center Tagaradon
- Mixed Choir of Cultural Center Thermi
- Mixed Choir of Kavala County Friends' of Music Club
- Mixed Choir of Nafpaktos
- Mixed Choir of Polyphonic Choir of Patras
- mixed choir of Pyrgos
- Mixed Choir of Pyrgos
- Mixed Choir of Pyrgos
- Mixed choir of Thassos Municipality
- Mixed Choir of the Municipality of Agia Paraskevi
- Mixed Choir of Thessaloniki
- Mixed Classical Choir Odeio Athina
- Mixed Modern Choir Odeio Athina
- Mixed Polyphonic Choir Melodies in Glyfada
- Mixed Polyphonic Choir of N.Peramos - Kavala
- Mousikes Dimiourgies AMKE
- Mousiki Gonia
- Mousiko Orama
- Mousikos Omilos Nikaias
- Mousikos Syllogos Tirnavou
- Municipal choir of Megalopolis Pyladis
- Municipal Choir of Trikala
- Municipal Chours of Giannitsa
- Municipal Mixed Choir of Vrilissia
- Municipality Choir of Gkalatsi
- Municipality Choir of Livadia
- Municipality of Kalamaria Children & Youth Choir
- Municipality of Kalamaria Mixed Choir
- Music Choir Githio
- Music Society of Sparta
- Musical Praxis Mixed Choir
- Musical Society of Odio Naoussis
- musicArte children choir Elassona
- MusicArte mixed choir Elassona
- Mythodia Children's Choir
- National Conservatory of Athens Mixed Choir
- Neoi Mousikoi Xoris Sinora
- New Choir of Kalamaria
- o sotiras
- Olgarythmos
- Orpheus Choir Alexandroupolis
- Orpheus of Lefkada, Mixed Choir
- Orpheus.choir.Alexandroupolis
- Paidiki Chorodia Ierou Naou Agias Varvaras Argzroupolis
- Panagia Korirfini choir workshop
- Panorama Mixed Choir of PIlea Chortiatis' municipality
- Paradosiaki Xorodia kyrgion
- Paradosiaki xorodia tou politistikou sillogou dokou xalkidas H anoixi
- Piano Plus Festival Choir
- Platamonas Choir
- Pleiades Livadeias Choir of Livadeia
- polychromon
- Polyphonia Berlin
- Polyphonic Choir of Amarynthos Artemis
- Polyphonic Choir of Saint Nikanoras
- Polyphonic Mixed Choir The Melodies
- Pre-Children's Choir of Patras
- Research Club of Pelion
- Rodion Emmeleia
- Rosarte Children's Choir
- Rustling of the oak tree Choir
- Saint Alexander's Male Voice Polyphonic Choir (Palaion Faliron)
- Santa Marina Chalkida Choir
- Semeli Mixed Choir
- Source of life
- SS. Cyril & Methodios Choir of Thessaloniki
- String Theory Choir
- Stylida's Choir
- Syllogos Peloponnision Elefsinas
- SynODEporoi
- Syros Musical Club Choir
- Terpsitheas Conservatory Youth Choir
- Thamyriades Female Vocal Ensemble
- The Children’s and Youth Choir of the Orchestra of the Cyclades
- The City Of Athens Choir
- Theodoros Fokaefs
- Thermaikos Choir
- Tinangels
- Tinos Choir
- Tinos Komi choir
- To Fioro tou Levante
- To Fioro toy Levante
- Traditional Choir of Kyrgia
- Traditional Chorus of Research Club Of Pelion
- Tranditional Choir
- Trantellenes
- Velventines voices
- Visanthi
- Viva Voce Children's Choir
- Vocal Patra's Vocal Ensemble
- Vocal Ensemble of Rhodes Bar Association
- Vocal Inventions Ensemble
- Voci Contra Tempo - Female Vocal Ensemble
- Voci Intonate
- Voice Box
- Voice ensemble Ode
- Western Symphony
- Women Choir of Stefanina Thessaloniki 'Mikis Theodorakis'
- Women's Choir of Livadia Pleiades
- Women΄s choir ''Koryfό''
- Xορωδία Άρης Λεμεσού
- Youth choir of Metropolis Neas Krinis & Κalamaria
- Youth Choir of Municipal Conservatory- Petroupolis
- Youth Choir of Polyphonic Choir of Patras
- Youth Choir of the Municipality of Thassos
- Ypshlantios Paradosiakh Xorodia Agiou Nikolaou Feron